Senin, 10 Mei 2021

Corona B1617 dari India Naik Kelas Jadi 'Variant of Concern', Apa Artinya?


Pemuda DKI Wafat Usai Disuntik, Kemenkes: Vaksinasi AstraZeneca Tetap Lanjut


Tengku Zulkarnain Meninggal, Diabetes Komorbid Tertinggi Korban COVID-19


Ahli sebut Virus Corona Telah Bermutasi Lebih dari 6.600 Kali


Seputar Vaksin Gotong Royong: Jadwal, Harga, hingga Vaksin Corona yang Dipakai


60 Persen Pemudik Positif Corona: Tinggi Amat, Positivity Rate RI Berapa?


Dialami Tengku Zulkarnain, Ini 4 Alasan Diabetes Bisa Perburuk COVID-19


Menhub Budi Karya Usul Pemudik Divaksin Gratis untuk Cegah Corona, Setuju?


60 Persen Pemudik Positif, Corona RI Diperkirakan 10 X Lipat Angka Resmi


Setahun Lebih Pandemi, Laos Catat Kematian Pertama Virus Corona


BPOM Angkat Bicara Soal Meninggalnya Pria Jaktim Usai Vaksin AstraZeneca


4 Fakta Meninggalnya Pria Jaktim Usai Vaksin AstraZeneca


Minggu, 09 Mei 2021

Minggu, 02 Mei 2021

5 Kisah di Balik Ledakan COVID-19 India, Rebutan Oksigen hingga Praktik Dukun


Ini Satu-satunya Wilayah RI yang Tak Terdampak COVID-19 Sejak Awal Pandemi


Mengenal Sianida, Racun Mematikan dalam Sate Takjil Maut di Yogyakarta


2.090 Orang Positif Corona Masuk RI Bawa Dokumen Negatif COVID-19


Ingat! Satgas COVID-19 Juga Melarang Mudik Lokal


Saat India Diamuk Corona, 11.000 Warga Wuhan Pesta Festival Musik Tanpa Masker


Selain India, Ledakan COVID-19 Bikin 5 Negara Ini Lockdown Lagi!


Ngeri! Kesaksian WNI Melihat 'Tsunami' COVID-19 di India


Kamis, 29 April 2021

Hal yang Perlu Diperhatikan Bila Harus Konsumsi Obat saat Berpuasa


Terungkap, Golongan Darah yang Disebut 'Kebal' Corona di India


Cara Hadapi Nyinyiran Tetangga saat Dikira Pesugihan Gegara Nganggur di Rumah


India Lagi-lagi Cetak Rekor Baru, 379 Ribu Terinfeksi COVID-19 dalam Semalam!


RI Tak Ikut-ikutan AS Lepas Masker Setelah Vaksin, Setuju Nggak?


BPOM Beri Izin Darurat Vaksin Corona Sinopharm, Efikasi 78 Persen


Resmi Dipakai RI, Ini Daftar Efek Samping Vaksin Sinopharm


4 Fakta Vaksin Sinopharm, Vaksin Corona dari China yang Dapat Izin BPOM


Imunisasi Tersendat Selama Pandemi, Yakin Sekolah Tatap Muka Mulai Juli?


Selasa, 27 April 2021

IDAI Tak Rekomendasikan Sekolah Tatap Muka Juli 2021, Ini Alasannya


6 Hal yang Diduga Sebabkan Klaster Corona Perkantoran di DKI Naik


IDI Tak Setuju WFH 100 Persen, Anjurkan Prokes Ketat COVID-19 saat Bekerja


Pesan Wulan Guritno Buat Para Cewek yang Terlanjur Berhubungan Intim


Panduan Baru! CDC Bolehkan Copot Masker Setelah Vaksin, Tapi Ada Syaratnya


Tak Terbendung! India Diprediksi Bakal Punya 1 Juta Kasus Aktif COVID-19 Mei 2021


Kematian Corona India Parah, Jenazah Digotong Pakai Motor-Diikat di Kap Mobil


Klaster Corona di Perkantoran Naik, Satgas Ingatkan WFO Hanya 50 Persen


Potret Kelam Kremasi Massal di Tengah Ganasnya Amukan COVID-19 di India


Berharganya Tabung Oksigen di India, Jadi Rebutan di Tengah 'Badai' COVID-19


Kamis, 22 April 2021

Manfaat Penting Minum Air Putih Hangat Saat sahur


Atta Halilintar Dua Kali Kena Corona, Seberapa Umum Kasus Reinfeksi?


Awas! 5 Makanan Ini Bisa Bikin Asam Lambung Naik Saat Puasa


Catat! Syarat Perjalanan dan Masa Berlaku Swab PCR-Antigen-GeNose Terbaru


Waduh, Vaksin Corona Palsu Beredar Lagi, Isinya Apa Sih?


Siap-siap! Akan Ada Vaksin Corona Dosis Ketiga


Ditinjau Awal Mei, Sinovac Jadi Vaksin Berikutnya yang Dapat Izin WHO?


Atta Halilintar Positif Corona dengan CT Value 30, Ini Artinya..


Baru Lagi! Ilmuwan AS Temuan Varian Corona BV-1, Kemungkinan Lebih Menular


Waduh! Kasus COVID-19 Sudah Terdeteksi di Gunung Everest


Pernah Kena Malaria, Bisakah Disuntik Vaksin Corona?


TERRE DES FEMMES launches the campaign “Abolish Paragraph 219a”

Spots point out the lunacy of this misogynic paragraph
Berlin, 22 April 2021. Paragraph 219a of the German Criminal Code (StGB) prohibits “advertising for abortion”. This paragraph is not confined to advertising but includes virtually any kind of information. In concrete terms, this means that doctors may only make public that they perform pregnancy terminations. But they may not provide information to the public on how they perform them. Otherwise, they are breaking the law and could face up to two years in prison, or a fine. And inadvertently pregnant women do not get the information they need.
In response to this situation, TERRE DES FEMMES is launching the “Abolish Paragraph 219a” campaign with the aim of making a significant contribution to education on abortion. Its unambiguous aim: Paragraph 219a must be struck from the German Criminal Code. “Women’s freedom for us is inextricably linked to their freedom to decide to terminate a pregnancy. With this campaign, we are aiming for the abolition of Paragraph 219a. Every woman must have the right to get access to professional information on abortion,” says Christa Stolle, the managing director of TERRE DES FEMMES.
The campaign’s “heart” is the website TERRE DES FEMMES is collecting and publishing all the important information on the theme of abortion that doctors are not allowed to publish under current legislation. The information is available for downloading from the website in various formats, so that anyone will be able to distribute it to the women concerned and other interested parties, for example via social media channels. It contains emotional broadcasts and films in which non-professionals, such as a restaurateur, an announcer and a vehicle mechanic, share valuable information on abortion in support of the campaign to show how insane and misogynist Paragraph 219a is. These brief items highlight the absurdity that any non-professional is allowed to share information, while many doctors cannot.
General practitioner Kristina Hänel, 64, is among the campaign’s prominent backers. She has been affected personally by the paragraph’s severe consequences. Hänel was convicted, despite an appeal to the Frankfurt higher regional court, for providing information on abortion procedures on her website. She then lodged an appeal on constitutional grounds, and the case is now pending before the German Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe. Kristina Hänel is conducting her court battle along with an appeal to the public: “I believe that it is important that everyone has the opportunity to provide information and education on abortion. Women thinking about the matter often find themselves in an emotional emergency. Access to reliable information would be hugely important to them.”
Further information may be found at
For queries and interviews please contact:TERRE DES FEMMES, Lisa Kaiser, press and public affairs spokesperson, Tel. 0049 (0) 30/40504699-25 or email
Or Sarah Lüth, achtung! GmbH, Tel. +49 40 45 02 10-570 or email

Source: RealWire

Selasa, 13 April 2021

Siklus Menstruasi Berubah Usai Vaksin COVID-19, Efek Samping?


BPOM Tegaskan Belum Ada Izin Uji Klinis Fase II Vaksin Nusantara


Dukung Vaksin Nusantara, Gatot Nurmantyo: 2 Tahun Lagi, Dunia Pakai Ini


COVID accelerates demand for gig-driven customer support models

Report by GigCX platform provider Limitless shows customer service has helped supplement ‘gigger’ income and had a positive impact on mental wellbeing, during COVIDLondon, UK; San Francisco, USA. 13 April 2021: Today Limitless released annual industry report ‘GigCX goes mainstream', with headline data revealing that 47% of those doing gig customer service roles today had lost full time employment or had hours cut due to COVID-19. Furthermore, 46% of those surveyed became GigCX Experts over the past year due to reasons associated with the pandemic.

‘GigCX,’ is the term used for the pool of gig expert talent, made up of brands’ own customers, that can provide on-demand customer service. AI-driven gig customer service platform Limitless polled over 600 gig customer service Experts, 85% of which said gig activity had also had a positive impact on their mental wellbeing. The survey also polled 15 customer service leaders from known brands, 40% of which reported increasing flexibility and the ability to handle demand volatility as the biggest motivator for brands moving to GigCX in 2021, with reducing costs and increasing quality joint second (33%). This trend is set to continue with 90% of those brands surveyed believing that over 20% of the proportion of their customer service could be handled by GigCX in 2025. The same percentage said that it had met or exceeded their expectations.Select GigCX platforms like Limitless offer ‘crowdsourced’ customer support, routing customer service enquiries securely to knowledgeable GigCX ‘Experts’ who are assisted by AI to answer customer queries. As customers of the brands, Experts are able to resolve a wide variety of product and service-related support tickets. The gig customer service model is already in widespread use at companies such as Microsoft, eBay, Unilever, Sun Basket and Zwift. Likewise, customer experience leaders such as Genesys are supporting the potential of GigCX, having recently invested and partnered with Limitless to combine contact centre capabilities.The survey also found that 80% of brands placed emphasis on the benefit of improving customer-centricity by enabling their customers to deliver amazing customer service on behalf of their brand. Meanwhile, 55% of those doing GigCX say that the top motivation is ‘flexibility to work on my own schedule.’ 44% claim to ‘enjoy the satisfaction it brings when helping others.’“This year has been challenging for brands to service huge peaks in demand, but also for consumers who have suffered volatility in their working lives,” said Megan Neale, co-founder of Limitless. “We’re seeing some of the most loyal brand consumers transition to gig Expert roles to help fellow customers engage with some of their favourite products. For both customer and gig Expert, GigCX is truly coming to the fore as an established model that offers an agile and flexible way to engage authentically, and as the data shows, one that is set to continue into 2021 and beyond.”Microsoft has a seasoned GigCX resource pool that lives amongst its other customer service channels. Mike Flannagan, Vice President, explains the human, user-centric benefit of GigCX: “That ability to connect people who are not only experts in something, but passionate and expert fans of it - that is a real consumer brand benefit. It’s an opportunity for us to find the right places where we have really passionate advocates and to tap into that to make sure that our customers feel like that person that’s supporting them really, really gets it and loves the product.”The wider findings of the Limitless report support a growing popularity in this area of GigCX. Ninety-six per cent of those surveyed planned to continue in the next 12 months, and 9 in 10 believed GigCX will become more commonplace in the future. The majority of respondents had improved transferable skills such as problem solving and time management through GigCX over the last 12 months that will help them to perform a wider variety of gig tasks in the future.About LimitlessLimitless is a gig customer service (GigCX) platform, combining crowdsourcing and AI to help global businesses address their biggest customer service challenges – rising costs, increasing attrition, variability in demand and the need for diversity. Brands like Microsoft, Unilever, Daily Mail Group, Sage and eBay are using Limitless’ SmartCrowd™ technology to connect with their most engaged customers and reward them for providing on-demand customer service that can flex in line with demand.As a pioneer in GoodGig™ practices, Limitless is one of the world’s first global tech platforms to introduce localised platform terms to protect the rights of its users gigging. Named a Rising Star at Deloitte’s Technology Fast 50 programme and backed by Redline Capital, Genesys, Unilever Ventures, AlbionVC and Downing Ventures, Limitless is empowering people worldwide to earn money for providing brilliant customer service for the brands they love.Media enquiries:UK: Maddie Armour-Chelu: US: Jennifer Reid:
Source: RealWire

Senin, 12 April 2021

Fakta-fakta Kasus Langka Bayi Terlahir dengan 3 Penis, Pertama di Dunia


Heboh Pengakuan China Soal Vaksin Kurang Manjur, Ternyata Salah Paham!


India Setop Ekspor Antivirus Remdesivir untuk Corona, Apa Imbasnya ke RI?


Sebaran Kasus Aktif COVID-19 di DKI Jakarta, Jumlah Pasien Terbanyak Ada di Sini


Penting! Ini Syarat Tes GeNose Saat Puasa Ramadhan Agar Hasilnya Akurat


Daftar 11 Zona Merah COVID-19 di Bulan Ramadhan, Pulau Jawa Nihil


Update Terkini 6 Kandidat Vaksin Merah Putih, Sudah Sampai Mana?


Menkes Ungkap Alasan RI Pilih 4 Jenis Vaksin Corona, Termasuk Besutan China


UK workforce sees 113% increase in stress-related leave over the past 2 years

In a poll of UK employees, 58% are feeling exhausted, not excited ahead of summer
Money or me time? When asked to choose between an additional day off every year, or £200 cash, majority saw more value in ‘me time’

Nottingham, UK, 12th April 2021: Data from absence management platform e-days, reveals that, when comparing pre-pandemic levels in March 2019 to March 2021, the number of stress sickness days recorded has increased by 113%.
Additionally, the average number of people taking stress-related leave has increased by 74% when comparing Q1 2021 to Q1 2019. The number of people taking stress-related leave in 2020 and 2021 has remained the same, but the increase in days taken demonstrates that stress is taking longer to recover from and must be taken more seriously by employers. This news comes at the start of National Stress Awareness Month when the country comes together to raise awareness of the modern stress epidemic.
In light of this concerning revelation, e-days polled UK employees and found that an additional 58% of the UK workforce is feeling exhausted rather than excited as the summer approaches. Additionally, when asked to choose between an additional day off every year, or £200 cash from their employer, almost two-thirds (62%) of the UK workforce opted for ‘me time’ over money. This response suggests an increasingly stressed workforce, and further reinforces the importance of suitable workplace wellbeing support. So, whilst usual financial incentives may not be a viable option at the moment, businesses should be tracking leave and absence among employees to encourage wellbeing and workplace satisfaction over the coming summer months.
Steve Arnold, founder of e-days, commented, “With the majority of the UK workforce feeling exhausted and needing time out as we approach what is hopefully the light at the end of the tunnel, it’s vital that employers recognise the importance of a well-supported workforce. No business can afford to ignore the doubling of stress-related leave in such a short period of time - this affects us all. However, financial incentive is not the be-all-and-end-all of workplace benefits: the key to a motivated workforce is an employer that understands just how much absence matters.”
About e-days:Founded by Steve Arnold and Chris Moseley, e-days is an award-winning, cloud-based absence management and intelligence platform that makes holiday and absence management easy and accurate for organisations of all sizes, anywhere in the world. e-days delivers for more than 1,500 customers across 120 countries, including brands such as Canon, ASOS, AXA, Monster Energy, Barclays and Sony.
The e-days mission is to provide organisations with key intelligence regarding staff absence - enabling them to build better staff management and wellbeing strategies. Absence intelligence allows businesses to achieve better resourcing insights, save time and money associated with employee absence, and promote excellent employee wellbeing and better health for organisational success.
Website: Twitter: @edayssoftware
Press enquiriesFor all media requests, please contact Rachel Johnstone, // 0203 697 6680Source: RealWire

Sabtu, 10 April 2021

Terpopuler: Cerita Viral 'Hampir Meninggal' Gara-gara Kopi Susu


Alhamdulillah, Singapura Bakal Izinkan Perawat Pakai Hijab


Terpopuler: Transgender Kehilangan Testis, Rusak Keseringan Kejepit Mr P


The 100th patient is treated at the UK's first CyberKnife™ Centre

NHS patient suffering from prostate cancer receives 100th treatment at Harley Street CyberKnife Centre A man from Greater London has become the 100th person to be treated at the UK's first CyberKnife Centre at the renowned Harley Street Clinic in London. The man, who has been suffering from prostate cancer, could not be treated by other forms of radiotherapy. He is among a growing number of patients sent to the Harley Street Clinic for CyberKnife radiotherapy treatment by their NHS trusts.The patient's oncologist, Dr Stephen Karp, said that the unique characteristics of the CyberKnife system made it an extremely valuable new tool in the treatment of difficult cancers. "For a select sub group of patients CyberKnife may be the only machine that can deliver the appropriate dose of radiation to a tumour. It is absolutely ideal for the close distribution of radiation without damaging surrounding tissue," he said.CyberKnife has a compact linear accelerator fitted with a variable Iris system which can shape thin beams of radiation as required. It is mounted on an extremely manoeuvrable robot arm and is able deliver pencil thin beams of radiation in pre planned pulses of varying strength from many different directions.By mapping a tumour three dimensionally prior to treatment, oncologists and physicists calculate the dose of radiation to match the shape, density and position of a tumour. The tumour is then 'marked' with tiny particles of gold and during treatment the robot is guided by an ultra sensitive X-ray guidance system allowing the Cyberknife to compensate for a patient's breathing and ensuring sub millimetre accuracy. Radiation is delivered from many directions avoiding damage to surrounding tissue and so many tumours that were previously impossible or very difficult to treat, can now be treated by CyberKnife.The Medical Director of the CyberKnife Centre at The Harley Street Clinic, is Dr Nick Plowman, one of Europe's leading authorities in the use of radiosurgery. "CyberKnife enables us to deliver more radiation to a tumour than we can with orthodox technology and we are very pleased with the results we have seen with this new machine," he said."Over the past year we have broken new ground and achieved a world first by treating an intracardiac tumour and we have had referrals for others. So we are developing the technique. It's great to be part of a new service developed here with the help of a top quality team," he said. Source: RealWire

ExAblate® Receives European CE Mark for Treatment of Adenomyosis

Non-invasive procedure now available where options were limited; InSightec innovation continues to expand treatment choice in Women's HealthTIRAT CARMEL, Israel (June 23, 2010) -- InSightec Ltd. announced today that its ExAblate® system has received an expanded CE Mark certification for "ablation of soft tissue for treatment of benign tumors, including uterine fibroids and adenomyosis" using Magnetic Resonance guided Focused Ultrasound (MRgFUS) technology. The certification was granted on the basis of clinical evidence showing that focused ultrasound is safe and effective in treating symptomatic adenomyosis, which included published data of patients with the condition. The certification body KEMA Quality agreed that treatment with InSightec's system resulted in statistically significant improvement in subjective symptoms, and significant volume reduction of the treated mass.Adenomyosis is a benign gynecologic growth characterised by the presence of ectopic endometrial glands and stroma in the myometrium and hyperplasia (excessive cell reproduction) of adjacent smooth muscles. It manifests with uterine myoma-mimicking symptoms such as heavy menstrual bleeding, pain, and diffuse uterine enlargement. Women with this condition are unlikely to conceive."Patients who suffer from Adenomyosis and want to preserve their uterus have had few viable options in the past," said Dr. Jaron Rabinovici, Vice-Chair, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Sheba Medical Center. "Adenomyosis may have a grave impact on a woman's health and quality of life and until recently hysterectomy was the only accepted treatment involving adverse effects and hospitalization. Another treatment option is medication, which offered only temporary relief of symptoms and had its own set of side effects. The availability of this procedure is a welcome development for women living with this condition, because it means they now have a treatment choice that is non-invasive, safe and effective. More importantly, women who underwent this non-invasive option for adenomyosis conceived and delivered subsequently healthy children." "ExAblate® has been used to treat uterine fibroids non-invasively with great success since 2004, and this expanded CE Mark represents a significant milestone in our commitment to continually broaden the applications of this non-invasive, innovative therapy in addressing women's health " said Dr. Kobi Vortman, President and CEO of InSightec. "This procedure is done on an outpatient basis, patients can return to work the next day, and complications are rare. The clinical and economic advantages of ExAblate® allow for enhanced access to treatment - and improved quality of life - for more women."While fibroids and adenomyosis are both non-cancerous tumours of the uterus, fibroids grow out from the uterine wall, and adenomyosis originates from swelling of the uterine wall as a result of the penetration of endometrial tissue. While a fibroid is distinct from the uterine wall and can be removed, adenomyoma cannot be removed without actually removing the involved uterine muscle. Clear-cut surgical excision of the whole adenomyosis lesion is difficult because of its ambiguous boundary.About InSightecInSightec Ltd. is a privately-held company owned by Elbit Imaging, General Electric, MediTech Advisors, LLC and employees. It was founded in 1999 to develop the breakthrough MR guided Focused Ultrasound technology and transform it into the next generation operating room. Headquartered near Haifa, Israel, the company has over 160 employees and has invested more than $130 million in research, development, and clinical investigations. Its U.S. headquarters are located in Dallas, Texas. For more information, please go to: ExAblate® ExAblate is the first system to use the MR guided focused ultrasound technology that combines MRI - to visualize the body anatomy, plan the treatment and monitor treatment outcome in real time - and high intensity focused ultrasound to thermally ablate tumors inside the body non-invasively. MR thermometry, provided uniquely by the system, allows the physician to control and adjust the treatment in real time to ensure that the targeted tumor is fully treated and surrounding tissue is spared. The ExAblate system was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 2004 as a treatment for symptomatic uterine fibroids. Over 6,000 women have been treated worldwide to date. ExAblate® 2000 received the European CE Mark for pain palliation of bone metastases in June 2007. Media Contact:For further information please contact:Dr. Jane BrearleyWaggener Edstrom WorldwideTower House10 Southampton StreetCovent GardenLondonWC2E 7HAEmail: jbrearley@waggeneredstrom.comPhone: +44 (0)20 7632 3800Source: RealWire

Limbs & Things presented with The Queen’s Award for Enterprise Innovation

Prestigious award ceremony attended by Her Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant Mary Prior, MP Kerry McCarthy & Mayor George FergusonBristol, UK - 7 October 2013Limbs & Things - the UK's leading manufacturer of medical skills training products - was presented with The Queen's Award for Enterprise Innovation by Her Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant Mary Prior on Friday. Limbs & Things, known for its world class medical skills training simulators, which it designs and manufactures in its Bristol factory, has been recognised for its innovative contribution to skills training in medicine. The Queen's Award is the UK's highest accolade for business success. Limbs & Things in-house design and manufacturing process balances traditional craft-based sculpting techniques with the latest technologies. The result is an innovative range of British made products whose realistic look and tactile feel allow healthcare professionals to build their confidence and skills to ultimately improve patient care. "We feel extremely honoured to have been awarded The Queen's Award for Enterprise Innovation" said Margot Cooper, President of Limbs & Things. "This award ceremony is a celebration to recognise and thank our employees for all their hard work. It is their sheer dedication, creativity and continuous innovative work that has ensured our remaining at the forefront of the industry." The prestigious award was presented to Founder and President, Margot Cooper at the Limbs & Things premises in Bristol. Local MP Kerry McCarthy and Bristol Mayor, George Ferguson also attended and gave presentations at the event, which included an interactive exhibition of Limbs & Things key products and a rare opportunity to tour the company's on-site factory."Our vision has always been to develop and supply products which allow clinical educators to deliver their curriculum requirements in physical examinations and procedural skills successfully. We remain committed to working closely with leading clinicians and embracing new materials and technologies to help meet the educational needs of tomorrow's doctors and nurses," concluded Cooper.Adding to its continued innovation excellence, Limbs & Things has recently launched its new Breast Examination Trainer. This exciting product provides a realistic platform for acquiring the delicate skills required for Clinical Breast Examination. Consisting of realistic soft tissue, with the versatility of interchangeable pathologies, the product teaches trainees about the identification of anatomical landmarks and lymph nodes. The training product is supplied with over five different types of pathologies which can be placed in a variety of predetermined locations, offering students further challenges and surprises in their training. The Breast Examination Trainer can be used either as a bench top teaching aid, or worn by a simulated patient during student assessment. - ENDS -Notes to editors:Please note: additional images will be supplied following the event.To date, the Limbs & Things PROMPT Birthing Simulator is the company's bestselling product. It was developed in conjunction with the midwives and obstetricians from Southmead Hospital, Bristol and the Gloucestershire Royal Hospital. The objective of this model is partly to address the need for improving the management of shoulder dystocia*, and as a result has become an integral part of multi-professional training in many maternity units across the globe.Limbs & Things is committed to serving training markets in Clinical Skills, Women's Health and Surgical Specialities. Its goal is to produce products which allow clinical educators to deliver their curriculum requirements for physical examination and procedural skills successfully. To achieve this, the company continues to work closely with leading clinicians; it explores new technologies and materials and promotes its products within a worldwide marketplace. It also offers a confidential design and build service for industry and corporate clients.* Shoulder dystocia occurs unexpectedly during childbirth. It is when the baby's head has been born but one of the shoulders becomes stuck behind the mother's pelvic bone, preventing the birth of the baby's body. Shoulder dystocia can occur during a normal (spontaneous) birth or an instrumental (ventouse or forceps) birth. 'A difficult birth: what is shoulder dystocia?' Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists, 01/11/2007Annie Aulds / Cate BonthuysSay CommunicationsTel: +44 (0)20 8971 6402 / / Source: RealWire

Stress in Legal Profession Misunderstood; Bellwether Research Paper Reveals

76% of respondents believe it is a major issueLondon, U.K., 17 April, 2019 – The latest Bellwether research paper titled, ‘Stress in the Legal Profession: Problematic or Inevitable’, published today by LexisNexis UK, a leading global provider of information and analytics; highlights that stress is an endemic issue in the legal profession with two thirds of respondents currently experiencing high levels of stress despite the confident ‘business as usual’ industry outlook. Almost 1 in 4 solicitors feel that more could be done to support them in the workplace although 4 in 5 report high levels of job satisfaction and 5 out of 10 consider they have a positive state of mind. Some 39% of respondents feel in control and 30% state that their stress levels are ‘average’, while 37% feel stressed by work and 66% of those experiencing stress cite high levels of it. 1 in 4 respondents noted that they experience extreme or very high levels of stress. 62% of those surveyed believe that small firms are better than larger firms at fostering an environment of support and culture of wellbeing with the greater likelihood of flexible working, better work/life balance and more agile working practices. 92% of respondents believed that small firms offered a range of benefits including: the ability to remain in control; agility; a common ethos; and better client experience.Jon Whittle, Market Development Director, LexisNexis UK said: “We found a robust, optimistic profession which continues to believe that hard work pays off in a bright successful future. Last year the Government positioned the law as a professional occupation with the highest levels of work-related stress, depression and anxiety which we believe is cause for concern. However, our respondents don’t agree on whether size of firm equates to stress levels. 55% of solicitors believe that enough is being done while 75% of our respondents feel that while stress is a major issue there is a sense of confusion and resignation in attitudes to it. It’s important to understand that while the future looks bright there are shadows at work.”To access the report please visit -ENDS-Notes to editorsAbout the research‘The Bellwether Research Paper: Stress in the Legal Profession: Problematic or Inevitable’ was compiled using data from online surveys completed by 176 solicitors across England and Wales and supported by eight in-depth interviews with lawyers in small firms and small offices of larger firms. Respondents were from a wide geographical area and represented a broad sample of lawyers in a variety of positions in the firm and areas of expertise. The research fieldwork was conducted by an independent market research agency, Linda Jones & Associates, throughout November and December 2018.About LexisNexis Legal & ProfessionalLexisNexis Legal & Professional is a leading global provider of legal, regulatory and business information and analytics that help customers increase productivity, improve decision-making and outcomes, and advance the rule of law around the world. As a digital pioneer, the company was the first to bring legal and business information online with its Lexis® and Nexis® services. LexisNexis Legal & Professional, which serves customers in more than 130 countries with 10,000 employees worldwide, is part of RELX Group, a global provider of information and analytics for professional and business customers across industries.Media Contact:Vidushi PatelTagus PR+44 Source: RealWire

Aneurin Bevan University Health Board successfully introduces a new electronic growth chart solution to monitor children's development in South Wales

September 1, 2015 - CCube Solutions announces today that Aneurin Bevan University Health Board has installed its eForms software to create a computer-based system to display children's growth records. It is the first end-to-end system allowing medical users across multiple sites to record and view children's growth chart data via a portal, as well as allowing data to be easily shared[1] with other clinical, public health and third party analytical reporting systems. Growth records are essential in the assessment of every child. Chronic diseases impact growth and therefore deviation from expected norms act as an early warning signal that something is wrong and medical investigation is required. Paediatricians and other health professionals have used them since the 1970s as a core tool to monitor children's development and well-being. They plot three key body parameters of the individual child - height, weight and head circumference - against national growth trajectories with this information then used to reflect illness or highlight other medical issues such as obesity which is a major issue today.Aneurin Bevan University Health Board provides acute, community, mental and child health services from five sites for 693,000 people in South Wales, approximately 21% of the total Welsh population. In October 2012, Aneurin Bevan was the first health board in NHS Wales to procure an electronic document and records management system (EDRMS) from CCube Solutions which was installed and operational by May 2013. The new growth charts application is fully integrated with this and accessed using a portal called Clinical Work Space (CWS). Clicking on a button within the individual patient record launches the growth chart on a desktop PC. Authorised staff can then add in updated growth measurements into a dialogue box which automatically updates the chart displayed.A pilot was started in June 2014 with the system fully implemented and in widespread use by October 2014. Children visiting Aneurin Bevan University Health Board are not issued with paper charts anymore. Within nine months of ‘go live', growth data is available for 11,000 children. Integrating growth charts with electronic medical records Given the wholesale move to electronic patient records three years ago, a way of effectively managing children's growth records was required for two main reasons:1. Growth charts were the last paper documents in use and had to be circulated around multiple sites - in some sense, negating the value of installing a computer-based medical records system;2. Growth charts are dynamic documents which change constantly. Printing out individual graphs, adding a dot(s), scanning and then storing the chart again in the EDRMS was not practical given the time and impact on readability. Using a spreadsheet as alternative was also considered cumbersome. Aneurin Bevan University Health Board worked in close partnership with CCube Solutions to implement an IT solution using its eForms module which allows staff to record data points over a long period of time. Dr. Tom Williams, consultant pediatrician (retired) and the clinical lead on the electronic growth records project, says "I've been involved in NHS IT for many years. This is not just about digitizing a process. IT must supplant existing activities but over this improve them which is what we are doing with our electronic growth charts application."To develop the system, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board and CCube Solutions licenced national growth data from the Medical Research Council to create the background charts. The individual child's development information is then ‘overlaid' on top with the actual data held in a Microsoft SQL database not embedded in the chart. Architecting the solution like this means easy integration with other clinical or research systems, enabling data to be re-used simply without wasteful IT support and integration costs. Operational and clinical benefitsThe electronic growth charts solution developed offers a range of benefits:Simplicity. The easy to use desktop system means it is straight forward for nurses, clinicians and other health professionals to input growth data in clinic such that they are enthusiastic about doing so. Charts are available for children aged 0 to 2, 0 to 4 and 0 to 18 years old along with charts for sufferers of Down Syndrome who have a different growth trajectory. Additional features developed include the ability to display on the chart the "target height range" for a child (what they might reach in adult life) based on entered data of parental height, and the display of "bone age". Improved accessibility. Staff Trust-wide, in primary, secondary and community care, can easily view growth chart data from multiple locations via the CWS portal. This is important as often children visit two or more hospitals or clinics within the health board so easy access is of crucial importance. Over time, a read-only version could be made available to other agencies and even parents given Red Book paperwork is progressively moving to a digital format. Guaranteed availability. Creating an electronic version of the growth charts has avoided charts being mislaid or lost within the notes. Improved accuracy. Subject to data entry being restricted to those staff who have been properly trained to measure children, the electronic plotting and calculation of data onto graphs has improved accuracy of the information recorded. With paper, there were always manual errors. This is obviated using a computer. Enhanced security. Compared to paper charts where there was none, security policies and procedures have been established about who can view, input and approve growth chart data. Added flexibility of the charts. The chart scope has been broadened with the system designed so that units can easily be changed as well.Dr. Jeff Morgan, consultant paediatrician, Nevill Hall Hospital, says, "I'm a supporter of the new electronic growth charts solution as it improves information accuracy and accessibility. With paper-based charts, there were a number of issues which slowed our clinics down. A child might have several incomplete growth records in their file charts and with inter-observer variability in data plotting, you could discover errors across the charts. Now, we have a neat solution which logs all the anthropometrical measures properly and displays the child's growth potential clearly on screen. The fact that it is computer-based means the growth chart is easy to access at anytime which is useful when discussing patients with colleagues." Impact and future system developmentsThe system is designed to offer future flexibility and functionality. For example:Clinical alerts can be set up if a growth data point for a child is input into the system outside expected boundaries;Hyperlinks are being added into the charts so that clinicians can link data points with other documents in the EDRMS and cross reference treatment given which might effect development;The system is device agnostic and, in the future, other devices could be used to view and update data whether that is via tablets or smartphones. Creating a national data base of child growth dataAneurin Bevan University Health Board's electronic growth chart solution is currently used in the context of children presenting to its hospitals with an illness. It is not a record of all children within the region. If other Welsh health boards and NHS Trusts adopted the system, a national repository could be established which is where the true value of this system lies. Once data is electronic, it is easy to share, analyse and do statistics on.Dr. Morgan says, " The electronic system has great potential. If this project were to be extended to a regional or national level, we would have access to clinical information for massive cohort of the paediatric population which would be very exciting for future child health monitoring studies."At the moment, there is only widespread measurement of children when they start primary school at ages 4 or 5 years old and later in year 6 (this under the auspices of the National Child Measurement Programme). Dr. Tom Williams agrees, "Whilst this is currently an aspiration, building a reference set of data nationally which documents child growth in Wales and beyond would provide clinicians, health officials, politicians and, of course, the public with broad insight into the health and development of children, especially in terms of obesity. Put another way, this project could evolve into a massive Big Data public health opportunity of national importance." Vijay Magon, CCube Solutions' managing director, says, "The effective management of children's growth charts is an absolute requirement for every NHS organisation introducing electronic medical records systems. The NHS is often much maligned for how IT projects are procured and delivered. In contrast, we have worked hard together to develop and implement a cost effective, easy to use system which has the support of clinicians, such that the introduction of an electronic growth chart has totally replaced paper within the organisation." [1] Data is held in a non-proprietary format to facilitate this- ENDS -About CCube SolutionsCCube Solutions is an award-winning provider of enterprise content management solutions, comprising electronic document and records management, workflow, electronic forms, portal software, and systems integration.Founded in 1995, it has a proven track record working with the police, local government, NHS and in the private sector providing cost effective and scalable solutions, tailored to meet the individual requirements of customers. An AIIM Advisory Board member, CCube Solutions is active in developing and guiding the future direction of the ECM industry, and upholds AIIM's principles of good information management, know-how applied on every customer engagement. CCube Solutions is headquartered in Milton Keynes. For further information, please visit www.ccubesolutions.comFor further information, please contactTom Herbst PRT:07768 145571 Email: Source: RealWire

The rise of ‘drivetime dialogue’: families use car journeys to bond

Parents play an important role as ‘psycarlogist’ helping children find answers to difficult subjects. New ‘What Drives Britain’ research from Alphabet shows that parents spend over 5.5 hours per week on average with the kids in the carCar provides ideal environment for ‘drivetime dialogue’ with kids about issues they’re facing, from worries about school work to body image and mental health Travel time also allows kids’ minds to wander and ask imponderables such as: ‘Why haven’t I got a tail?’ and ‘Are trees waterproof?’ Farnborough, UK – 18 October 2019 – Parents spend on average over 5.5 hours per week in the car with their children, and a quarter of parents spend 10 hours or more in the car with their kids, according to new research by Alphabet (GB) Limited, a global provider of Business Mobility. Car journeys provide a unique space for conversation, away from the distractions of home or school. Parents are using this ‘drivetime dialogue’ to discuss issues affecting their children, from the serious to the strange. Alphabet’s research shows the dialogue focuses on three core issues: Social - School and social life are the most frequent topics of conversation. Parents cover issues around schoolwork and performance and children’s social well-being, with questions about how to handle friendships and bullying Self-esteem - Physical well-being and body image were also a huge topic of conversation for parents and kids. Subjects like exercise, diet and self-confidence were most common, with issues around body image such as appearance, weight, make-up and clothing tackled by nearly a third of all parents Emotional - A quarter of parents have addressed online health concerns, talking with kids about the time they spend on phones, tablets and computers and the content they access there, as well as mental health issues around anxiety, stress and depression Talking about these issues can result in some tricky questions from children too. The ones parents found toughest were ‘Where do babies come from?’ (25%) and a range of sex education questions (17%). But no matter the subject, parents took them on:59% of parents aimed to tackle the question there and then, no matter what the topic 25% of parents thought the best option was to acknowledge the question but find a better time to talk about it laterA few questions proved tricky enough for a few parents (8%) to agree to talk later, but secretly hope the question was forgotten about altogether Dr Richard Woolfson, child psychologist, said of the research: “Family life rarely allows time for open and uninterrupted dialogue between parents and children. So time in the car can be a wonderful opportunity to strengthen the communication channels between parent and child, to build trust and strengthen the emotional bond. But, as the survey shows, children can ask about anything at all, and answering those questions can be very difficult when you’re driving.” To encourage and handle conversations with children, Dr Woolfson recommends: Show your interest - Get children talking by starting off with day to day topics, for instance about school, or friends, or leisure activities. Open questions such as ‘What made you laugh today?’ encourage conversation Reacting to tricky questions - It’s the unexpected questions – about sex, bullying, death – that can knock you for six. Avoid reacting in a way which might make your child feel embarrassed or silly for voicing their ideas. Tell your child you’re glad they have shared their thoughts with you and offer helpful advice if you canProviding appropriate answers - If you can, give an immediate answer, though pitch your words at the right level for your child’s age and understanding. Resist any temptation to duck the question by telling your child to wait until they are older, however, kids are very good at knowing when they’re not getting the full picture If you need more time - If you need time to gather your thoughts because the topic is highly sensitive, simply tell your child ‘That’s an excellent question. Let’s talk about it later tonight when we have more time and I can give you my full attention.’ Then set a few minutes aside that evening for you and your child to have that private chat togetherSimon Carr, Chief Commercial Officer for Alphabet (GB) Limited, comments: “Our ‘What Moves Britain’ report has already shown how important the car remains to work life in the UK. The company car is more than just a ‘perk’ or status symbol, for many Brits it is essential to our jobs. This latest research shows how essential these cars and the journeys we make in them can be to family life too. We know how important safety aspects are to parents and families when choosing their next car but how many of us consider the quality of the time we have together in that vehicle? Parents spend lots of time with kids in the car on school runs, driving them on the weekends and entertaining them over half term. With fewer distractions than home, it’s a great place to get kids talking about questions they have or issues affecting them.” Finally, the research also highlighted some of the more unusual questions that occur while in the car, including: Why haven’t I got a tail? Are trees waterproof? What are those two dogs doing in the park? Why turn left when the satnav said right? EndsResearch was conducted by Walnut Unlimited, using a nationally representative sample of 2,000 UK adults aged 18 and over.About Alphabet (GB) LimitedAlphabet is Europe’s leading provider of Business Mobility services. Helping organisations to meet their changing business travel requirements and enabling their employees to keep moving efficiently and effectively. Innovative mobility products, like the Corporate CarSharing solution AlphaCity, are changing the way UK businesses finance, manage and use company cars. Another pioneering service, AlphaElectric, enables organisations and employees to switch on to the benefits of low and zero emission vehicles.Alphabet’s portfolio of Mobility services comprises a comprehensive suite of vehicle funding solutions and fleet management including: strategic consultancy, corporate and employee car schemes, commercial vehicles, risk management, vehicle rental, accident management, fleet management and maintenance.Supporting brands such as Panasonic, Lyreco, Grundfos Pumps and McDonald’s Restaurants, Alphabet manages a fleet of over 138,000 vehicles in the UK and more than 700,000 vehicles across 28 countries worldwide. For more information, visit Contact:Unlimited GroupUnlimited House10 Great Pulteney StreetLondonW1F 9NBT: +44 020 7349 4000E: Source: RealWire

10 million women to receive vital health education through mobiles by IMImobile, BBC Media Action and The Gates Foundation

London, Thursday, 21st January, 2016 - IMImobile, which helps companies to engage with their customers via mobile technologies, has teamed up with BBC Media Action, with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, to roll out free mobile health education services for the Government of India’s Ministry of Health and Family Welfare to nearly 10 million families and one million community health workers across India. Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare, JP Nadda, recently launched a program to roll out two mobile health services developed by BBC Media Action and powered by IMImobile’s technology nationwide. These m-health services use the IMIconnect communications technology platform to make pre-recorded audio health messages available to millions of women. The services will educate families about simple steps that new and expectant mothers can take to improve their health, and the health of their children:Mobile Academy service is a voice based mobile training course on reproductive, maternal, new-born and child health for Community Health workers, designed to expand their knowledge of life-saving preventative healthcare and enhance their capacity to engage effectively with families. Front-line workers can access the course from any phone and complete it at their convenience.Kilkari service is an IVR subscription service that delivers time-sensitive audio information about maternal and child health to the mobile phones of husbands, their pregnant wives, and young children for up to 72 weeks. The information is linked to the woman’s stage of pregnancy and/or child’s age. The services are currently being launched in Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh, and are already targeting 850,000 families every week.Jay Patel, CEO, IMImobile, commented:“We are delighted to support the launch of these vital services to improve front line health communication in areas where mobile communication is the only viable option for providing much needed health advice. This key initiative highlights how the use of mobile engagement technologies can make a huge difference to people’s lives.“There are over one billion mobile users in India and we hope to play a crucial role in assisting organizations that need scalable multi-channel technologies in order to realise the vision of a Digital India.”Rahul Mullick, Head of ICT & Supply Chain at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, said: “The national launch of mHealth services is a great step towards leveraging India’s increasing mobile penetration to make healthcare services accessible to everyone across India. We at the foundation believe technology can offer compelling solutions in solving public health challenges and are committed to supporting the government in its ambitious agenda of prioritising equitable access to public health services.”Sara Chamberlain, Digital Director, BBC Media Action India, added: “The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare’s commitment to using mobile phone technology to provide free reproductive, maternal, neo-natal and child health education to every new and expecting mother in India is a ground breaking step towards realizing the vision of Digital India. We are proud to be a part of this transformational initiative.”-ENDS-Enquiries:IMImobileMatthew Hooper / Alex Klose via RedleafRedleaf CommunicationsCharlie Geller Helena Shadbolt 020 7382 Notes to Editors:The IMImobile Voice Application is integrated with an application called MOTECH, developed by Grammene Foundation for both inbound as well as outbound services.IMImobile enables organisations of all sizes and sectors to maximise the potential of mobile technologies to improve customer engagement. We believe that mobile will sit at the heart of customer engagement strategies for years to come. By removing the barriers and complexities to create and deploy mobile-led customer engagement solutions as part of a multi-channel framework, we provide software and services that helps organisations to improve customer experience, simplify business processes and enhance operational efficiency.Our products and solutions built upon the IMIcloud act as an intelligent layer between existing IT systems and business processes to create, manage and launch services across mobile, digital and social communication channels. Organisations that trust us to deliver smarter customer engagement include Vodafone, O2, Telefonica, Aircel, Airtel, EE, BSNL, AT&T, MTN, France Telecom, Centrica, Coca-Cola, Universal Music, Tata, the AA, the BBC and major financial institutions.IMImobile is headquartered in London with offices in Hyderabad, Atlanta and Dubai and has 700 employees worldwide. IMImobile is quoted on the London Stock Exchange’s AIM market with the TIDM code Source: RealWire

Isosec Ltd. Take On The 90,000 Challenge For Bliss Baby Charity

Developers of the MIA Maternity app are taking a step for every baby in need of specialist care in the UK.The Isosec Charity of the Year 2016 is Bliss. Bliss exists to ensure that every baby born premature or sick in the UK has the best chance of survival and quality of life.Every year, 90,000 babies are admitted to a hospital for specialist care – many of these babies will need lifesaving intensive care. Bliss is there for these little ones by empowering their families and working with health professionals to ensure they have the best care possible.Isosec have developed the MIA Maternity app for Midwives in the NHS. MIA Maternity transforms paper processes into a streamlined mobile app to save clinician’s time and money to be spent on better patient care. As a result of working with Maternity departments across the country Isosec have seen first hand the difference Bliss makes to families. Special features have been built into the MIA Maternity app workflow for babies born under 37 weeks; ensuring families get the support available to them.To support Bliss the Isosec team have committed to walk a foot for every single one of the 90,000 babies born premature in one year. That's over 17 miles, which Isosec will be trekking around the Peak District in October.Isosec will also be holding a 90,000 step week challenge and bake sale in Manchester in November to raise further awareness and funds for Bliss. Check our website and social media for updates and more information on how to take part. Please donate as much or as little as you can for this worthy cause and help us to help those in need. Our target is £1000 although we hope to exceed it. Isosec really appreciate your continued support and thank you in advance for any donations to our heartfelt cause.To make a donation please visit ENDEDITORS NOTEContact: Jo Flynn, Marketing Executive, Isosec Ltd.Phone: 0161 376 3570 Email: Isosec are a rapidly expanding software company developing secure mobile app solutions for clinical use in the NHS. Based in Manchester, UK. For more information please visit ###Source: RealWire

Bedfordshire and Luton Community Foundation launches new Mental Health Fund for Young People via The Good Exchange

Newbury, 6th February 2020 – Not-for-profit, charity-owned cloud platform The Good Exchange has today announced that Bedfordshire and Luton Community Foundation is launching a new dedicated fund in support of local mental health initiatives for children and young people through the platform.
The Foundation’s new Bedfordshire Mental Health Fund for Young People officially opens today and will run for one year with a dual aim of distributing grants between £1,000 and £5,000 to local charitable organisations and growing the fund through collaboration with funders, local businesses and individuals who want to work together and give money to support this worthwhile cause.
According to analysis by the University of Bedfordshire (commissioned by the Foundation), there are an estimated 660 boys and 360 girls aged 5-10 years and 815 boys and 550 girls between the ages of 11-15 with a mental health problem in Bedford Borough. In addition, it has been estimated that one in 10 young people in Luton are likely to have a diagnosable mental health condition (LBC 2015).
Organisations from Bedford and Central Bedfordshire involved in delivering mental health education, promotion and development, including therapy and counselling sessions, are encouraged to submit their applications for funding via the Foundation’s Funder Page on The Good Exchange platform.
Dipak Mistry, Grants Manager, Bedfordshire and Luton Community Foundation commented: “We’re fully committed to supporting mental health solutions in our local area. Through our new Mental Health Fund for Young People, we hope to be able to support a range of different initiatives, but we really need other grant-giving organisations and individuals throughout the county to join with us to support this hugely worthwhile cause. All local groups who’d benefit from financial support – covering the costs of providing treatments and therapy sessions to general day-to-day overheads and equipment costs should apply via The Good Exchange. We’ve been very impressed by the platform’s single online application form, which significantly streamlines the grant-application process for all concerned.”
Ed Gairdner, COO of The Good Exchange added: “We’re looking forward to working with the Foundation to build a collaborative network of funders to address the complex needs of children and young people with mental health challenges across Bedfordshire through the new Fund for young people.”
Gairdner added: “With mental health conditions particularly challenging for those in their formative years, we look forward to seeing the impact the Fund will have on local initiatives involved in tackling these complex problems at a local grassroots level.”
About the Bedfordshire and Luton Community Foundation Bedfordshire and Luton Community Foundation (BLCF) is one of the leading local grantmakers in the county, distributing nearly £9 million pounds locally since our inception and establishing a national reputation for our innovative, community-focussed and strategic approach.
Our aim is to be a catalyst for positive social change in the county by connecting people, ideas, resources and needs to make a lasting difference. We strongly believe that there should be opportunity for all and the lives of the most disadvantaged should be transformed through innovative, community-based solutions.
We are passionate about improving the lives of people in Bedfordshire and Luton and we're known for our ground-breaking initiatives, for our investment in supporting local charities and for our deep relationships with grassroots groups in our area.
About The Good ExchangeThe Good Exchange is a transformational, charity-owned, not-for-profit cloud platform specifically designed to match those organisations and individuals who have money to give to good causes with those who need it most; on a local, regional and national basis. As the only platform to bring together grant-making, donations, charitable projects and fundraising in one place, the automated matching system with its simple single on-line application form will revolutionise charitable giving, making it more accessible, transparent and collaborative. For the first time, those seeking to raise money for local good causes will be able to access all sources of funding including charitable trusts, corporate givers, fundraisers and public through a single process.
Media contactsCharlotte Martin/Ella Pryor The Good Exchange team at Finn 020 3217 7060

Source: RealWire joins forces with Mirakl Marketplace and aims for pan-European partners

Mamaspace, a start-up aiming to disrupt the mother market by launching a marketplace with Mirakl to offer products and services before, during and after pregnancy.London, UK – Feb. 22 2017 – Mirakl, the leading global marketplace solutions provider, today announced that, the lifestyle and shopping universe with everything a mother needs before, during and after pregnancy, has selected the Mirakl B2C Marketplace Platform to build an online experience that will give mothers access to the best and most exciting products, from supplies large and small.Mamaspace recently launched in Denmark and aiming for pan-European partnerships as part of its expansion across Europe, with a vision to become the go to marketplace serving mothers all over the world. Mamaspace will also provide a range of in-country services to support mothers through their pregnancy and motherhood journey, as well as local customer service teams as part of its franchisee business model.Marc Jeilman, Chairman and investor at said, “The marketplace will offer a unique end-to-end experience. We’re currently looking for prospective master franchisees, who are motivated to develop a local presence in their respective countries. We are being very selective in terms of finding the right partners, wanting experienced and passionate people who understand what it takes on the ground to service a market. is an opportunity to offer a B2C platform with hundreds of Nordic brands, and partners can freely onboard local kids brands with an innovative shop-in-shop experience”.Mirakl has been selected as a strategic technology partner of because the Mirakl Marketplace Platform enables the company to scale at speed into new countries, quickly onboard suppliers and categories, and simplifying the localisation of content, pricing and shipping. In addition, the marketplace will provide a rich level of customer data that will allow to tailor its offerings as mothers and children grow and develop. Marc Jeilman added, “The marketplace strategy is optimal for all involved parties. It dramatically lowers operational costs and working capital, allowing us to be nimble and profitable. can focus on the job of exciting and delighting customers, rather than managing an eCommerce platform and logistics operation. By being that focused we earn the brand loyalty and trust of our mothers wherever they are on their pregnancy journey.”The Mirakl Marketplace Platform provides a secure online environment to host transactions between buyers and sellers of both products and services – both B2B and B2C organisations can dramatically increase their product range, expand geographically and introduce a profitable new sales channel. Organisations can use marketplaces to retain their price competitiveness, increase margins, as well as test and extend product ranges inventory and risk free. Ultimately this keeps customers excited about a brand and generates repeat business.Eric Chemouny, Senior Vice President for EMEA at Mirakl concluded, “ is an exciting company working to bridge the gap between the products and services that mothers seek. Its founders have recognised that the Mirakl Marketplace Platform and a business model fundamentally based on using technology to drive scale and agility online will see them grow and win over customers across Europe. The marketplace model means that the right products will be at the fingertips of their customers, when and where they need them. It is exciting for us to work with companies that share our values and belief in the power of marketplaces to be a platform for the future for site owners, suppliers and most importantly, customers. It’s incredible to think that a business like this would not have even been possible a few years ago without the adoption of a marketplace model. This is an exciting glimpse into how, we believe, marketplaces will continue to evolve.” For more information about Mirakl and the Mirakl Marketplace Platform, please visit About MiraklMirakl gives retailers and brands the ability to quickly launch a new source of revenue with their own online marketplace. The marketplace model allows companies to increase customer value by providing more products, at better prices, with first class quality; creating more opportunities to build loyalty. The Mirakl Marketplace Platform automates the hard things: seller onboarding, service quality control, and order distribution; on an API-based solution that’s modular and easy to integrate. Over 100 customers operating marketplaces in 40 countries trust Mirakl’s proven expertise and technology including Best Buy Canada, Carrefour, Condé Nast, Darty, Galeries Lafayette and Halfords. Founded in 2012, Mirakl helps companies provide a better customer experience as part of their omni-channel strategy. For more information: About is owned by the private equity and venture capital fund LesET. The fund recently acquired the mommy-portal “” in Denmark and is in negotiations with similar forums in Europe. LesET is a fund entirely focused on making it possible for companies within the baby and children industry to achieve their goals. All the while shaping the future generation. LesET provides capital, professional consultancy, and tailored services to develop and empower small, early-stage and emerging companies targeting children and mothers. LesET believes that the future lies within innovation and in the hands of our youth, and therefore encourages the development of innovative products and services for this segment. For more information: Media ContactLorena Duke / Duncan GurneyAscendant +44 (0) 208 334 8041Contact person at LesETSophie Juul +45 82828082Source: RealWire

University UMIT TIROL publishes the first population model to evaluate benefits and harms of universal salt iodization

An article recently published by Schaffner and colleagues in the medical journal “Thyroid” summarizes the results of a decision-analytic population modeling study evaluating the benefits and harms of universal salt iodization. Iodine is a micronutrient that is essential for the production of thyroid hormones. Lack of Iodine may cause a variety of iodine deficiency disorders. During pregnancy, iodine is especially important for the brain development of the fetus. However, excessive iodine consumption can also lead to thyroid diseases. This study reveals that iodine fortification of salt increases healthy life years in a population with moderate iodine deficiency, and is therefore beneficial on a population level.
The group of researchers at the tyrolean Universitiy UMIT TIROL developed a population model simulating the incidence and consequences of iodine deficiency diseases in the absence or presence of a mandatory prevention program for iodine deficiency disorders in the German population. The analysis included not only the current but also the offspring cohort.
The results suggest the German population – with around 80 million inhabitants – gains 5 million life years and 33 million healthy life years by universal salt iodization during the next 120 years. Even though the health of the population improves as a whole, iodine fortification is likely to come with negative consequences for some individuals as it may cause 2.7 million additional cases of hyperthyroidism during that time.
The complete study can be found here:
Project coordinator and first author of the study Monika Schaffner thinks this work will be key to improving public health in Europe: “We developed a population decision model that can be adapted to other countries and it can be updated as soon as new evidence is available. Our findings will support health care professionals and policy makers to advocate for the prevention of iodine deficiency and its consequences.”
Coauthor and UMIT TIROL Associate Professor Nikolai Mühlberger, MPH pointed out that this study is an important step toward supporting evidence-based health policy decisions in Europe. “Benefits and harms of universal salt iodization need to be weighed carefully against each other before deciding on the implementation or continuation of a population based prevention program,” says Mühlberger. Public health expert Assistant Professor Ursula Rochau adds: "Our work also reminds people of the importance of iodine and iodine deficiency disease.”
UMIT TIROL Professor Uwe Siebert, MPH, Chair of the Department of Public Health, Health Services Research and Health Technology Assessment at UMIT TIROL sees an important role for population modeling in decision support: “During the COVID-19 crisis, the public observed how public health questions can and must be informed by population models. As one of the largest public health departments of Europe, it is our job to provide honest and transparent evidence-based information on benefits and risks of public health interventions to the public”.
The UMIT TIROL Population Modelling Research Group evaluates long-term benefits, harms and cost-effectiveness of public health prevention and screening programs, identifies barriers to national and international prevention programs, and informs the public and health policy decision makers on using scientific evidence to improve the people’s health.
About EUthyroidEUthyroid comprises 31 partners from 27 countries. With a budget of EUR 3 million, this research collaborative will make a significant contribution to analyzing iodine deficiency prevention measures in Europe. The research consortium ‘EUthyroid - Towards a EUthyroid Europe’ (No. 634453) was one of only 67 successfully funded research proposals out of nearly 2,200 submitted – in the first call of the new Framework Programme of the European Commission: Horizon2020.
Contact: Prof. Dr. Uwe Siebert, Email:, Tel.: +43-50-8648-3930.Source: RealWire

Fonterra Launches GOS Ingredient for Global Infant Formula Market

30th November: Fonterra today announced that commercial samples of NZMP Galacto-Oligosaccharides (GOS) will be available early in the new year. Fonterra’s new partnership with leading UK dairy company, Dairy Crest, means it can now offer the specialty paediatric ingredient to food manufacturers globally.NZMP GOS will give infant formula manufacturers the ability to offer additional consumer benefits. GOS is known to support digestive comfort [1] and improve mineral absorption [2]. It’s anticipated that European and Chinese infant formula manufacturers will be among the first to start using NZMP GOS. Fonterra Regional Director Ingredients Europe Middle East/Africa Han Huistra says this innovative ingredient is an extension of the NZMP specialty ingredients portfolio for infant nutrition. “Combined with Fonterra’s expertise in paediatric nutrition, the ever growing portfolio of NZMP ingredients gives manufacturers even more flexibility to fine tune their products.” Mr Huistra says adding GOS to the NZMP portfolio means customers can benefit from Fonterra’s size, scale and ability to supply globally.“We are delighted to add this important ingredient to our portfolio of specialised NZMP ingredient offerings. A new facility brings the very real advantages of being able to capitalise on latest control systems and equipment to consistently produce high quality products. What makes this exciting is that traceability and supply versatility have also been designed as key traits for this business launch,” says Mr Huistra.Dairy Crest Managing Director Functional Ingredients Richard Jones says: “By leveraging our expertise in the manufacture of dairy products, and Fonterra’s global reach and supply capabilities, we are delighted to successfully deliver high quality nutritional products to meet growing market demands. It is a testament to the strong Fonterra-Dairy Crest partnership and our ability to meet the desire globally for quality nutrition.”Once production is running at full scale, Dairy Crest will manufacture 10,000 MT of GOS annually and the product will be marketed and sold under the NZMP brand utilising Fonterra’s global distribution network. NZMP GOS will be produced at Dairy Crest’s Davidstow facility in Cornwall, United Kingdom. Dairy Crest has invested £20 million to set up a purpose-built, state-of-the-art ingredients facility to produce GOS. “The heritage of excellence in dairy and quality manufacture makes Dairy Crest’s GOS facility investment a natural fit for Fonterra and our dairy ingredients brand, NZMP” says Mr Huistra.[1] Ashley, C. et al., 2012 Nutrition Journal 11, 38[2] Chonan, O and Watanuki, M., 1996. International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research 66(3), 244-249.About GOS:Galacto-Oligosaccharides (GOS) are food ingredients with prebiotic properties, widely recognised to be bifidogenic, and to promote the growth of a host of beneficial gut bacteria in babies.GOS is derived from bovine milk, and recognised by many as a closer match to Human Milk Oligosaccharides compared to plant derived alternates. It is therefore the preferred pre-biotic for many infant formula brand owners.- ENDS -For further information contact:Christine Reilly, Hotwire PR on behalf of Fonterraphone: +44 (0)207 608 2500Rob Lilly, Fonterra +1 847-928-7480 or Fonterra 24-hour media linePhone: +64 21 507 072About FonterraFonterra is a global leader in dairy nutrition – the preferred supplier of dairy ingredients to many of the world’s leading food companies. It is also a market leader with its own consumer dairy brands in New Zealand and Australia, Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America. Fonterra is a farmer-owned co-operative and the largest processor of milk in the world. It is one of the world’s largest investors in dairy research and innovation drawing on generations of dairy expertise to produce more than two million tonnes of dairy ingredients, value added dairy ingredients, specialty ingredients and consumer products for 140 markets.About NZMPNZMP is the dairy ingredients brand of Fonterra. Trusted globally, NZMP ingredients are sold in more than 100 countries and can be found at the heart of some of the world’s most famous food and nutrition brands. NZMP has the broadest range of ingredients in the dairy industry, providing hundreds of solutions to meet the needs of customers every day.Backed by Fonterra’s global market expertise, world-class processing and leading quality standards, NZMP ingredients deliver real market advantage, trusted for their high performance and exceptional quality.About Dairy CrestDairy Crest, home of the “Cathedral City” brand (no 1 UK consumer cheese brand) are the UK’s leading producer of quality cheese and whey. Their recent investment now aligns whey from their integrated milk pool into high quality infant formula ingredients. Together with technology partner Fayrefield, Dairy Crest is also leveraging their site manufacturing excellence to produce GOS.Source: RealWire

Tech Charity Bytes For Heroes Launches #lunchbytes To Feed A Million NHS Keyworkers Across The UK

New Charity initiative Bytes for Heroes asks the tech industry to “do lunch” together virtually every Wednesday to raise funds
London, 12th May 2020 - Today, recently launched UK technology led charity initiative Bytes for Heroes has announced #lunchbytes, a new fundraising campaign bringing working from home and other working separately tech team members for lunch every week.
The Bytes for Heroes team will be kicking this off tomorrow (Wednesday, 13th May) at 1300h by having lunch together on a video call, donating to the funding page and posting the screengrab of their lunch on social media. This will become a regular thing similar to the Thursday night “Clapping for the NHS”.
Teams are invited to do lunch as a Byte (Eight diners), a Nibble (Four diners) or two bits (Two diners), but other numbers are also welcomed of course. #lunchbytes is not only raising money, but helping to reduce isolation and improve mental wellbeing within tech teams encouraging them to stay in touch socially as well as for work.
Peter Rossi, Founder of Bytes for Heroes said, “As tech teams are working remotely, we thought we'd encourage reconnecting as a team for a great cause - our NHS keyworkers. Not just reconnecting for meetings on Teams or Zoom, but to actually break bread together and share lunch. Send a screenshot of the group, post it on social as a #lunchbytes lunch and make a donation. It is as simple as that."
Donations for #lunchbytes: Just decide on the size of your #lunchbytes team from #fullbyte (£40 for up to eight diners) #nibble (£20 for up to four diners) #2bits (£10 for two diners) and go to the Bytes for Heroes GoFundMe page.
Bytes for Heroes is looking for donations from local and national tech firms across the UK to donate by supporting #lunchbytes or by straight donations to fund supporting local caterers and the keyworkers at hospitals across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Donations can be across the UK or specific to local hospitals close to company offices or which have a particular importance. It is also on the lookout for more caterers across the region to work with us to ensure this can see us through the next few and undoubtedly challenging weeks.
#lunchbytes #TogetherWeAreStronger
For more information on getting involved, please visit
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ABOUT BYTES FOR HEROESBytes for Heroes is a charity initiative launched in April 2020 with a mission to engage the tech community in feeding over 1,000,000 national heroes focused on NHS and other healthcare workers.
Bytes for Heroes is the brainchild of Peter Rossi, co-founder of InfoSaaS, and it connects tech companies that want to have a direct impact on the front line with catering companies, ready to serve hearty meals to NHS heroes at their local hospitals. Bytes for Heroes was inspired by a project at Bristol Southmead hospital in partnership with The Jolly Hog Group handing out over hot meals to front line staff which was running out of funding.
It is bringing together two completely different industries; catering companies, that have the capability to provide food to our hard working NHS workers but are unable to due to lack of funding and technology companies, that want to help the NHS in a direct and tangible way, but don’t have an outlet to do so.
UK technology companies and individuals and teams in tech donate to Bytes for Heroes who will manage the logistics of getting Britain’s over-worked heroes fed.
For more information on getting involved, please visit
Get social with Bytes for HeroesHashtag: #lunchbytesTwitter: @bytesforheroesLinkedIn: @bytesforheroes
Media contact: Rose RossHead of PR Liaison07976 154
Source: RealWire

Oxehealth advances baby safety with camera-based vital signs monitoring

New technology, successfully trialled at Oxford's John Radcliffe Hospital, will drive significant change in baby monitoringOxehealth, the camera-based health monitoring company, has developed software that will enable a new generation of smart video baby monitors to measure a baby's vital signs without the need for physical contact or wearable devices.Using its Oxecam technology, video baby monitors will be able to measure the heart and respiratory rate of a baby remotely. The technology will send accurate alerts to parents or caregivers when it detects sudden changes in vital signs, allowing them to react to potential health risks that otherwise would not be visible.The software, which has been successfully trialled at the John Radcliffe Hospital, part of the Oxford University Hospitals Trust, demonstrated its abilities to monitor key vital signs continuously in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). The accuracy of the product met the clinical standards expected of a medical product, opening the door to a whole new world of neonatal camera-based health monitoring possibilities."Virtually every new parent in the UK buys a baby monitor when they first have a child, and some will buy multiple monitors as they seek to find the best on the market," said Jonathan Chevallier, CEO at Oxehealth. "Many current monitors with their passive audio visual feedback do not provide warnings of problems - other than baby distress. Building vital signs monitoring into these devices would enable constant feedback to parents on the baby's heartbeat and breathing rate, providing considerable reassurance to parents and early warnings of any problems. This is a huge step forward in infant monitoring."The Competitive Advantage of the Oxecam:Many current video monitors only provide a video feed of the baby with no contextual health information, making it impossible for a parent to determine whether their baby is just asleep or potentially has a much more serious problem.Monitors are designed to give parents the freedom that comes with the comfort of knowing that their baby monitors are keeping an eye on their little ones. Many video monitors currently on the market are not able to detect and alert parents to accurate signs of health related problems, meaning parents end up extensively checking their monitors and maybe even needing to do physical checks. Oxecam is able to send accurate alerts of sudden changes in vital signs which is often an early indicator of ill health giving parents what they want from their baby monitors, peace of mind.The ability to monitor babies' vital signs without the need for contact is a significant advantage in baby safe vital signs monitoring. Contact based devices can be uncomfortable and irritate delicate skin especially amongst pre-term infants. Using camera technology we can also eliminate the need for potentially dangerous cables from mat based devices and [potentially] harmful close proximity wireless transmitters.Utilising camera technology only, there is potential to reduce the cost for parents wishing to monitor vital signs, as contact and wearable devices may need to be replaced as they can become easily damaged, worn and outgrown and often depend on integrated rechargeable batteries which decay over time.Contactless monitoring offers a significant benefit for active babies. While asleep or laying in their cots it can be hard to maintain reliable sensor connection in any contact-based monitors (in effect these are totally impractical) as the baby moves around.The Oxecam can provide ongoing monitoring through the night (and day) simply - it can also alert to a number of risk factors such as the baby turning onto its stomach or covering itself in bed clothes. Oxehealth is a spin out from the University of Oxford's Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust. Its monitoring technology is also being funded to monitor patient wellbeing in other situations such as; secure hospitals (Broadmoor) and post-operative cancer and renal wards. Its technology is based on algorithms, which monitor patient movement and breathing for signs of distress, as well as heart rate and other parameters that can be measured to assess the patient's wellbeing. "Oxehealth's technology promises to revolutionise the world of baby monitoring - turning a passive video monitor into one that provides genuinely useful health information. In a world in which people are choosing to install and use cameras in ever more settings, this is just one example of how Oxehealth's technology will invisibly monitor personal health enabling us all to live safer, healthier and longer," added Jonathan.Notes to Editor:Oxehealth Ltd is a biomedical software development company spun out from the University of Oxford's Institute of Biomedical Engineering in 2012. Oxehealth is focused on the continuing innovation of its Oxecam technology which turns cameras into healthcare monitors. It does this by using a range of software products with embedded intelligent algorithms which combine three key attributes: complex signal processing to allow accurate non-contact monitoring; machine learning, to provide personalised healthcare models; and clinical validation.Initially developed at the University of Oxford in the research labs of world-leading scientist Professor Lionel Tarassenko and backed by IP Group plc., Oxehealth's patented Oxecam technology enables digital cameras to monitor individual physiology and provide accurate healthcare information with a number applications in both clinical and non-clinical settings.Oxehealth continues to extend the potential of camera technologies for healthcare monitoring, having developed camera-based vital signs monitoring algorithms, clinically validated at the Oxford Kidney Unit and the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, John Radcliffe Hospital. For further information, contact Louise Fielding-Smith, at or on 01962 677 002, 07877 340671.Source: RealWire

Berkshire Youth partners with Greenham Trust to support young people through lockdown

19th May 2020 – Berkshire Youth and funding partner Greenham Trust have partnered to launch a youth support hub to assist young people, families and agencies through the COVID-19 lockdown. The West Berkshire Youth Hub will be a virtual and telephone-based support platform with resources and opportunities designed around connecting, listening to and providing solutions for young people as they grapple with the impact of the pandemic.
Whilst the young are least susceptible to COVID-19, concerns are rapidly growing around youth mental health, compounded by the lack of social engagement, the closing down of sports and social activities and the impact on their education and employment opportunities. In a UCL study, the young reported the lowest levels of wellbeing and life satisfaction in lockdown, whilst almost 30 per cent have thought about death recently. UK Youth and the National Youth Agency have also voiced concerns that young people have not been identified as a specific group in need of support at this time.
Funded by Greenham Trust and established by Berkshire Youth, the West Berkshire Youth Hub online and telephone-based support service will be staffed from 9am to 5pm with access to out of hours support. Young people will be encouraged to get in touch, and will be informed about local activities, such as local youth groups sports clubs, drama, art groups and activity sessions that have gone online but may not be known to all. They will also be linked with appropriate, relevant and safe networks for the foreseeable future through lockdown and as restrictions are lifted.
While this service will not replace any other emergency service or out of hours team, where appropriate, young people will also be able to be referred to one of Berkshire Youth’s youth workers and other specialist agencies for specific support, while any request of need identified for this level of intervention will be referred or reported to appropriate safeguarding teams.
The service will be piloted in West Berkshire with a goal of rolling it out across the county in June. Greenham Trust also plans to use its network, history and experience of running charitable funding campaigns in the local area to engage with other charities across the UK, aiming to develop a national network of services and resources for young people impacted by the lockdown.
“At times like this we need to remember to look after the most vulnerable, but in the meantime we must not forget the young people and children that are part of our community and families. The old saying that it takes a village to raise a child is so true, but we have removed the village and taken away that choice”, commented David Seward, CEO of Berkshire Youth. “We need to find ways to encourage young people to still get together (virtually), to get good safe advice and support, to have fun, laugh and joke. For too long the voice of young people has been unheard, so let’s share what resources we know about, and find support and kindness where we can. Our youth hub is not the solution for good quality face to face youth work, but is a collaboration of resources to get as close as we can.”
“At a time when young people are experiencing unprecedented upheaval, anxiety and loss, many youth workers have been furloughed, whilst traditional youth projects are unable to continue within social distancing guidelines,” said Chris Boulton, CEO of Greenham Trust. “We want to encourage organisations not to forget about the resources required to cultivate the mental health and wellbeing of young people. Our support for Berkshire Youth will not only provide funds towards running the Youth Hub, we are also pleased to be providing access to a wider network of funders and other key contacts across the local area, in order to reach as many young people as possible.”
Find out more about the West Berkshire Youth Hub here
Donate to West Berkshire Youth’s Coronavirus fundraising appeal on The Good Exchange here:
About Greenham Trust Greenham Trust Ltd was founded in 1997 to purchase the former Greenham Common Airbase, and to create and manage the new 150-acre Greenham Business Park. The Trust’s principal objective is to use income from commercial property to provide charitable funding for the benefit of the local communities in West Berkshire and North Hampshire. Since its inception, the Trust has supported over 1,000 local organisations, donating over £58 million over the last 20 years. Groups seeking funding can apply online at The Good Exchange:
About Berkshire YouthBerkshire Youth has been serving the young people of Berkshire, delivering excellent and efficient youth support services for over 75 years. Berkshire Youth supports clubs and groups in providing safe environments in which young people can explore new ideas, activities and opportunities. We do this by building on local agendas, responding to the needs of young people and local communities, offering support to local partners and direct provision as appropriate. We are proud of our track record and committed to building on it over the coming years to support young people make successful transitions to adulthood.
Here are five tips from Berkshire Youth on how to help young people through this period of uncertainty:

Despite being locked down, advocate for young people to have the courage to try and learn new things. The fear of stepping out of one’s comfort zone may seem quite daunting, but with the right help and guidance to just try something once is the start to a changing mindset and improving mental health.
Encourage them to fill a jar with all the things they want to do. As restrictions ease, they can work their way through them. It’s a good way to capture life and look forward to hope at the moment.
Try to help them keep a routine. Get up, washed, change out of pyjamas and carry out different tasks each day with goals and achievements. This could be small like school/college work, sorting the garden, helpful contribution to your household and others in it. At the minimum, try to have a structured sleeping pattern.
Young people’s views are more important than ever, but they are only known if shared. We need to show that it’s OK to not be OK – asking for help is not a weakness, it’s a strength. Encourage them to speak to friends, family or a youth worker whatever they may be feeling.
Find ways to encourage young people to still get together (safely, virtually), to still have fun, laugh and joke with people their own age. Source: RealWire

Free Online Coaching Cards from Making Business Matter, Managers are Still Telling and Need to Coach

Google created Project Oxygen. Its purpose was to identify what would make managers better at what they do. After trawling over 10,000 documents, such as appraisals, they concluded with two startling facts:
The skill that would help managers most – Coaching.The skill that managers lacked most – Coaching.
We all intuitively know that telling does not help our people to do things by themselves. We didn’t need google to tell us. Yet, we still tell. Why? Because it’s easy. Then we moan that we are busy because all our staff come to us and can’t seem to do anything for themselves.
What’s the answer?
Use a tool that will prompt us. Our Coaching cards have been designed by a leading coach, tested and refined. There are 5 packs to choose from:

GROW model coaching cards.
Leadership coaching cards.
Mental health coaching cards.
Time Management coaching cards.
Category Management coaching cards.

Each deck is available in the printed version and an on-line cut-down free version.
As an example; The Grow model coaching cards are just under 100 cards. Following John Whitmore’s famous G.R.O.W. coaching model, split into 4 sections, prompting the coach to ask the right questions of their coachee. Whereas the Category Management coaching cards follow our unique 7-Layer Funnel, which is taught in our Category Management training course.
Plus, each printed deck has a bonus taking the coach to a wealth of extensive additional resources to help them to become the best coach that they can be.
About us:MBM is the soft skills training provider to leading UK Manufacturing and Retailing companies partnering with them to increase their sales and profits. They choose them because of our money-back guarantee, our relevant experience, and that we make their learning stick.
Links:On ‘Category Management training’ to:

Buy coaching cards:
Use the free online tools:
Google’s Project Oxygen:

Source: RealWire

Too busy with nowhere to go: Third of employees have no time to take a holiday

A third of employees are too busy to take time off, and 63% state “having nowhere to go”
During International Stress Awareness Week, e-days warns of wellbeing and burnout issues in businesses with reports of a 32% rise in anxiety-related issues since March

Nottingham, UK. 4th November: A third of employees are too busy to take holiday, with another 63% stating “there’s nowhere to go” when asked why so many had the majority of their holiday left to take.
Recent poll results gathered by e-days, the absence intelligence company found that 28% of people felt too busy at work to take holiday, and another 63% chose not to because COVID-19 restrictions had impacted their travel plans. This comes after data gathered from 50,000 of their users found that 37% of workers had more than 14 days of holiday left to take before the end of the year.
At the same time, e-days partner Doctor Care Anywhere, a private online GP service, released data that highlighted a worrying trend since March with a rise in anxiety-related bookings as a proportion to overall appointments made. This 32% rise, alongside many employees choosing not to take annual leave this year, suggests business leaders will face both wellbeing and burnout challenges within their workforce.
Steve Arnold, CEO of e-days commented: “With International Stress Awareness week taking place between the 2nd and 6th November it is important that organisations realise the impact of these issues. Work-life balance is key to employee wellbeing and helping to avoid any potential burnout. Providing services that support workforces during stressful periods will lead to a stronger, happier, and more positive workforce. With days growing shorter it is vital that organisations acknowledge the potential impact to employee wellbeing and encourage staff to take time out to prioritise their mental health.”
Dr Kate Bunyan, Chief Medical Officer at Doctor Care Anywhere, added: “Providing workforces with wellbeing and mental health support has never been more important, and COVID-19 has unfortunately highlighted this. There is no denying that the pandemic has challenged organisations, but ensuring that employees are taking the time to rest, relax and recuperate, while offering them online services during stressful times is so important as we move into winter.”
About e-daysFounded by CEO Steve Arnold and CTO Chris Moseley, e-days is an award-winning, cloud-based absence management system that makes holiday and absence tracking easy and accurate for organisations of all sizes, anywhere in the world. e-days delivers for more than 1,500 customers across 120 countries, including brands such as Canon, ASOS, AXA, Monster Energy, Barclays, and Sony.
The e-days mission is to provide organisations with a global solution that saves time and money associated with processing employee absence. The company enables its customers to achieve better resourcing insight for planning purposes, and also plays a key role in helping organisations to improve employee wellbeing - both for the good of the employee and for the wider health implications this has on organisational success.
Twitter: @edayssoftware
About Doctor Care AnywhereDoctor Care Anywhere is a doctor-founded digital healthcare company. From anytime appointments, fast and convenient prescriptions, to safe and secure patient records, Doctor Care Anywhere is a complete virtual GP service that simplifies healthcare for patients, clinicians and businesses that can be used anywhere in the world.
Twitter: @DrCareAnywhere
Press enquiriesFor all media requests, please contact Rachel // 0203 697 6680
Source: RealWire

Aetna International introduces new mental health benefits to its core offering

Updates to Summit and Pioneer plans include enhanced mental health and well-being cover and support to help address the ongoing mental health crisis
02 February 2021: Aetna International, a leading provider of global health benefits, has today announced new updates to its Summit and Pioneer plans that will enhance the mental health and well-being support available to its global members. A part of the ‘Building better mental health together’ programme, the updates are proof of the company’s wider commitment to addressing the growing mental health challenges associated with the evolving COVID-19 pandemic. They are designed to provide members with an easy, accessible way to look after their mental well-being on a day-to-day basis.
The expanded range of mental health and well-being benefits are designed to support members on their health journey, from discovery and growth to mental health treatment and support. They are applicable to Summit plans, a flexible IPMI solution created for businesses, as well as Pioneer plans, IPMI designed for individuals and their families.
The new updates include access to Aetna Mind: a holistic approach to supporting members with evidence-based tools and support, from an award winning conversational chatbot app (Wysa) to Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) counsellors. EAP telephony and face-to-face counselling is now also included across all Summit plan levels and for Individual members as a new Member Assistance Programme (MAP). Additionally, co-pays no longer apply to psychiatric treatment and inpatient psychiatric treatment will now be included on all Summit and Pioneer plans as a standard benefit.
Derek Goldberg, Managing Director, Asia Pacific at Aetna International said: “As we come to terms with the ‘new normal’, we remain committed to prioritising our members’ mental wellness alongside their physical health. We’re confident these updates will ensure that businesses and individuals continue to have the mental health support they require during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.”
“Through this ‘Building better mental health together’ programme we are launching, we hope to ensure our members and employees alike have access to the care and help they need - wherever they are on their mental health journey. We will continue to refine the support we offer to help meet the short- and long-term mental health needs of our members.”
The updated offering continues to include benefits such as:

Free access to Wysa, a mental well-being app that provides anonymous chat support, self-guided exercises and in app coaching – now including Covid anxiety modules, an enhanced therapist led coaching programme and access to over 13s for adolescent mental well-being support
Access to Aetna International’s Employee Assistance Programme (EAP)
Free access to myStrength, an interactive and personalised app that helps address stress, anxiety, chronic pain and more
Access to Health Hub for further well-being support, member offers on Mind and Body self-care solutions, expert content and links to Aetna International’s Care and Response Excellence (CARE) team for 24/7 health and well-being clinical support

About Aetna InternationalAetna International is committed to helping create a stronger, healthier global community by delivering comprehensive health care benefits and population health solutions worldwide. One of the largest providers of international private medical insurance, Aetna International serves almost 900,000 members worldwide, including expatriates, local nationals and business travelers. Its global benefits include medical, dental, vision and emergency assistance and, in some regions, life and disability. Aetna International also offers customised technological and health management solutions for health care systems, government entities and large employers to improve people’s health, enhance quality of care and contain costs. Aetna International is a subsidiary of Aetna, a CVS Health company, which serves an estimated 34 million people with information and resources to help them make better informed decisions about their health care. For more information, see or LinkedIn.
Media enquiries for Aetna International: RealWire

Half of companies ill-equipped to support employee mental health

Half of companies report lack of resources to support mental health issues in their business
45% of businesses report rise in mental health issues for workforce during lockdown
1 in 5 companies have zero oversight of employee mental health issues

London, UK. 19th May 2020. Half of all companies don’t have the resources to properly support employee mental health, according to a new survey from workforce intelligence platform e-days.
Released during Mental Health Awareness Week (18th-24th May), the survey results from more than 100 HR leaders found that over 53% of businesses felt that they had inadequate resources to support mental health issues in their business.
On a webinar co-hosted by e-days and Doctor Care Anywhere, the digital healthcare company, 100 HR leaders and decision makers shared their preparedness for tackling the growing issue of poor mental health in the workplace, which is reported to cost the UK economy £99 billion each year. 45% of respondents confirmed that they had seen a rise in mental health-related illness in their business in the last month. Only 15% said that there had been no rise.
With the impact of lockdown on employee mental health well-documented, over half of businesses still lack the capability to see which of their staff has been affected by Covid-19 either mentally or physically. Worryingly, one in every five companies are completely blind to issues with employee mental health, and 40% of respondents only receive updates monthly or even more rarely.
As UK businesses begin preparations to return to ‘business as usual’, e-days’ survey reinforces the importance of tracking who might be suffering from poor mental health as a result of the UK’s lockdown measures. The findings show that occupational health and extensive support should be a prerequisite for any business looking to re-open their place of work.
Steve Arnold, CEO of e-days, commented: “It’s never been more important for employees and employers to be having open and honest conversations about mental health in the workplace. Poor mental health is a growing problem, and many businesses find themselves without adequate resources to help their staff. Promoting good employee mental health now will also offer wider benefits that outlast the Covid-19 crisis. If relationships are strong and there is a strong sense of trust between employer and employee, then businesses will be far more resilient to whatever the future holds.”
Dr Lia Ali, head of mental health strategy at Doctor Care Anywhere, commented: “Unfortunately, when it comes to mental health, there is still a stigma around discussions. People are not sure whether they should be addressing issues when they see them. We don’t have these thoughts when we consider physical health, so why would any employer allow mental health to impact an employee’s performance?
“Early intervention can make all the difference- and as we adjust to life after lockdown, we can do this by looking at patterns in data and understanding our employees. When we know our employees well, then we can spot warning signs sooner.”
About e-daysFounded by CEO Steve Arnold and CTO Chris Moseley, e-days is an award-winning, cloud-based absence management and intelligence platform that makes holiday and absence management easy and accurate for organisations of all sizes, anywhere in the world. e-days delivers for more than 1,500 customers across 120 countries, including brands such as Canon, ASOS, AXA, Monster Energy, Barclays, and Sony.
The e-days mission is to provide organisations with key intelligence regarding staff absence - enabling them to build better staff management and wellbeing strategies. Absence intelligence allows businesses to achieve better resourcing insights, save time and money associated with employee absence, and promote excellent employee wellbeing and better health for organisational success.
Website: Twitter: @edayssoftware
About DCADoctor Care Anywhere is a doctor-founded digital healthcare company. From anytime appointments, fast and convenient prescriptions, to safe and secure patient records, Doctor Care Anywhere is a complete virtual GP service that simplifies healthcare for patients, clinicians and businesses that can be used anywhere in the world.
Patients are empowered through easy access to their medical records, virtual consultations, repeat prescription management, personalised health tracking and medication reminders.
Website: Twitter: @DrCareAnywhere
Media enquiriesFor all media requests, please contact Edward // 0203 697 6680Source: RealWire